
domingo, 31 de mayo de 2020

Reseña 60: Bound by Temptation - Cora Reilly

Titulo: Bound by Temptation.

Serie:Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles (libro 4).

Autora: Cora Reilly.

Idioma: Inlges.

Formato: Digital y Papel.

Liliana Scuderi has been in love with Romero from the moment she first saw him. After her sisters were married off for tactical reasons, she hopes she might be allowed to choose a husband for herself, but when her father promises her to a man more than twice her age that hope is crushed. No begging can make him change his mind.

Romero has always ignored Lily’s flirting. Her age and status made her off-limits but even someone as dutiful as him has only so much control. Wanting her when she’s supposed to marry another man could mean war between New York and the Chicago Outfit, and Romero has always put the Cosa Nostra first.

Lily suspects her sisters and Romero would risk everything for her, but is her happiness worth that much? Is love worth a war between the Cosa Nostra and the Outfit?

viernes, 29 de mayo de 2020

Reseña 59: Bound by Hatred - Cora Reilly.

Titulo: Bound by Hatred.

Serie: Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles (libro 3).

Autora: Cora Reilly.

Idioma: Ingles.

Formato: Digital y papel.

When Gianna watched her sister Aria getting married to a man she barely knew, she promised herself she wouldn’t let the same thing happen to her.

Matteo – The Blade – Vitiello set his eyes on Gianna the moment he saw her on his brother Luca’s wedding, and Rocco Scuderi is more than willing to give his daughter to him, but Gianna has no intention of marrying for any other reason than love. A few months before the wedding, Gianna escapes her bodyguards and runs away. She has enough money to flee to Europe and begin a new life. But staying undetected when the mob is searching for her is a challenge that takes everything, especially as one of their best hunters and assassins is after her: Matteo Vitiello.

After six months on the run, Gianna finally settles into a tentative routine in Munich, but then Matteo and a couple of her father’s soldiers find her with another man.

Despite her pleads they kill her boyfriend, and Gianna is forced to marry Matteo. Her emotions alternating between guilt over having dragged an innocent into her world and hatred toward Matteo, Gianna is determined to make life hell for her husband. But Matteo is a master at mind games and their struggle for power soon turns into hate-fueled nights of passion.

miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2020

Reseña 58: Bound by Duty- Cora Reilly.

Titulo: Bound by Duty.

Serie: Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles (libro 2).

Autora: Cora Reilly.

Idioma: Ingles.

Formato: Papel y Digital.

Dante Cavallaro’s wife died four years ago but her memory still haunts him. On the verge of becoming the youngest head in the history of the Chicago Outfit, Dante needs to remarry or risk appearing weak.
Valentina is chosen for the role.

She, too, lost her husband, but her first marriage has always been for show. Even after her husband’s death, Valentina carries the weight of his secrets with her— to protect the honor of a dead man and herself.

With her wedding to Dante, her castle of lies threatens to crash.
Valentina fears the wedding night might reveal her secret, but her worries prove unfounded when Dante ignores her. Soon, her fear turns to confusion and anger.
Valentina is tired of being ignored. She’s determined to get Dante’s attention and desire, even if she can’t get his heart that still belongs to his dead wife.

lunes, 25 de mayo de 2020

Reseña 57: Bound by Honor - Cora Reilly.

Titulo: Bound by Honor.

Serie: Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles. (libro 1).

Autora: Cora Railly.

Idioma: Ingles.

Formato: Digital y papel.

A modern mafia fairytale.

Born into one of the leading mob families in Chicago, Aria Scuderi is a mafia princess known for her beauty. What many consider a gift means her doom when she’s forced to marry Luca Vitiello to bring peace between two mafia dynasties. Luca is the future Capo of the New York Famiglia, a man known for his brutality—and for crushing his cousin’s throat with his bare hands.

Aria is terrified of marrying a monster like him. He may be one of the most sought-after bachelors in New York, thanks to his good looks, wealth and predator-like charisma. But Aria knows the bad boy aura isn’t just a game; blood and death lurk beneath Luca’s striking gray eyes and arrogant smile.

In her world a handsome exterior often hides the monster within; a monster who can just as easily kill as kiss you.

Yet, there’s no escaping the arranged bond, much less a man like Luca. He’d follow her to the end of the world.

Her only chance to survive in a marriage with Luca is to gain his affection and work her way into his heart—even when rumor has it that Luca doesn’t have a heart to begin with.

A mafia princess known for her beauty given to a monstrous man.
Even monsters have a heart.

She has every intention of working her way into his.

martes, 19 de mayo de 2020

Reseña 56: Garry 2 - Johnny Marciano & Emily Chenoweth.

Titulo: Garry, el malvado y guerrero gato alienígena. Enemigos.

Serie: Garry libro 2.

Autores: Johnny Marciano y Emily Chenoweth.

Ilustraciones: Robb Mommaerts.

Editorial: V&R Editoras.

Paginas: 225.


Gracias a V&R Editoras por el ejemplar.

¡Garry y Raj están de vuelta! Se acerca el otoño, y nuestro gato alienígena favorito continúa
atrapado en la Tierra. Aunque a su amigo Raj le espera una experiencia aún más aterradora que el exilio cósmico: comenzar las clases en una nueva escuela. Si sus vidas ya parecían complicadas,ahora ambos –gato y niño– deberán enfrentarse a dos inesperadas e indeseadas figuras del pasado.

Esta es la historia de una amistad poco probable entre un chico y un gato que se sienten extraños en sus propios mundos. Contada desde las perspectivas de sus dos protagonistas, Raj y Garry… ¿te lo imaginas?

domingo, 17 de mayo de 2020

Reseña 55: Destiny mine - Anna Zaires.

Titulo: Destiny Mine.

Saga: Tormentor Mine (libro 3).

Autora: Anna Zaires.

Idioma: Ingles.

ISBN: 978-1631422997

Fate made us enemies. I made us lovers.

In a different world, we were meant for each other.

This is not that world.
Note: For optimal enjoyment, it's recommended you read the Twist Me trilogy prior to starting this book.

Traduccion por google solo de sinopsis:
El destino nos hizo enemigos. Nos hice amantes.
En un mundo diferente, estábamos hechos el uno para el otro.
Este no es ese mundo.
Nota: Para un disfrute óptimo, se recomienda leer la trilogía Twist Me antes de comenzar este libro.

martes, 12 de mayo de 2020

Reseña 54: Querido Señor Daniels - Brittainy C. Cherry.

Titulo: Querido Señor Daniels.

Autora: Brittainy C. Cherry.

Editorial: Principal de los libros, Sello Chic.

Páginas: 320.

ISBN: 978-8416-2235-41

Ashlyn Jennings es una estudiante modelo. Adora leer, especialmente las tragedias de Shakespeare, en las que busca respuestas a las dudas que la vida le plantea. 

Ahora, después de haber perdido a su hermana gemela y con su madre sumida en una depresión, se ve obligada a trasladarse e irse a vivir con su padre y su nueva familia a Wisconsin.

 Allí conoce por casualidad a Daniel Daniels, un hombre roto. Él ha sufrido dos grandes pérdidas en su vida y está tratando de superar el golpe, pero cuando conoce a Ashlyn hay algo que va más allá de las leyes de la química. 

Ambos quieren olvidar el dolor de sus vidas, hasta que un día se encuentran en la escuela, él como profesor y ella como alumna.

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020

Reseña 53: Sinsajo - Suzanne Collins

Titulo: Sinsajo.

Serie: Los juegos del hambre.

Autora: Suzanne Collins.

Editorial, Océano, Travesía.


ISBN: 9786074004502

Katniss Everdeen, la chica en llamas, ha sobrevivido de nuevo a Los Juegos, aunque no queda nada de su hogar. Gale ha escapado. Su familia está a salvo. El Capitolio ha capturado a Peeta. El Distrito 13 existe de verdad. Hay rebeldes. Hay nuevos líderes. Están en plena revolución. 

El plan de rescate para sacar a Katniss de la arena del cruel e inquietante Vasallaje de los Veinticinco no fue casual, como tampoco lo fue que llevara tiempo formando parte de la revolución sin saberlo. El Distrito 13 ha surgido de entre las sombras y quiere acabar con el Capitolio. Al parecer, todos han tenido algo que ver en el meticuloso plan, todos menos Katniss. 

El éxito de la rebelión depende de lo dispuesta que ella esté a ser una marioneta, a aceptar la responsabilidad de incontables vidas y a cambiar el curso del futuro de Panem. Para hacerlo debe dejar a un lado sus sentimientos de rabia y desconfianza. Debe convertirse en el Sinsajo, a cualquier precio.